"The mice attacked the Holy Family-
The one I bought in Prague, made out of straw.
By Christmas, Joseph was an amputee
And Mary and the baby were no more.
But I have other treasures to display-
Two perching birds, a Santa Claus, a clown,
A rooster from the church in Santa Fé,
A little harp and drum, a shoe, a crown -
Collected in the years I've lived with you,
The years of warmth and love and Christmas trees,
And someone to come home to, someone who
Can share what I bring back from overseas
And sometimes travel with me. Darling, look -
Our moon from Paris, glittering on its hook."
Wendy Cope
danke, liebe Mila das ich durch dich dieses Gedicht kennengelernt habe
als ich es las war mir klar, dass es hier hin gehört!!!
Mein Mond ist allerdings aus einer hessischen Kleinstadt und nicht aus Paris.
Aber, Erinnerungen - ja, die hängen auch an ihm...
das 9. Adventsbetthupferl - damit die 24 Tage so gut enden wie sie beginnen!!!
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